The Owner of The Time Machine

hello there! thanks for visiting my blog, enjoy reading yeah. i am becca, i am 14, one of 9th graders who live in the middle of books stacks, everyday. and still trying to find my own page, i am fat, crazy-obsession-school's victim, and i love my super amazing bitches and jerks, voltreaks, the one who can make me LOOOOLing every single second
9:23 PM

it hurts loh

Posted by becca marshellew |

hello blog maaf ya lama bgt ga posting, abis lagi ga mood, ini juga sbnrnya ga cuma mau maksa2in aja hehe, hmm tentang uusb beberapa gw bs, setenganya lagi bs tapi gayakin hehe, lgian gue blajar tiap hr kurang konsen gatau knp, temen2 gue juga berarti gw ga aneh dong ahah sejak kelas 8 nih, kemampuan otak menyerapa pelajaran jadi kurang ;( bsk masih ada uusb sunda mandarin komputer trs selasanya masak rabunya musik, cuma ga tralu penting lahya gue aja ga belajar hiwhiw gue ga pengen cepet2 libur deh pengen diskolah aja tapi gabelajar haha

ohya bsk bakalan ada satu pasangan lagi loh di ketapang, guess who? bella of course haha maaf ya gue bocor sebelum hari H tapi pasti deh gue yakin banget asik dehhh temen gue jadian hihi, trs kmrn andre nanya "wah yakin dia mau jadian? asik deh, lo kapan bec?" haha anjing benerrrrrr trs kmrn akhrnya gue curhat deh -___- gatau deh ndre, nanti kali kalo borobudur sm petronas tukertempat HAHAH, suram deh lovelife gw skrng pecun single di voltreaks tinggal 3, gue becky laura uhahaha laura is happy single, becky orangnya santai biar dia ada gebetan juga, lah gue? jiakakakak living in the happy ending world that you're not -,- it hurts loh

muchoss oxoxo, beccao


bang on it expertly, anyone?