hello smua liburan gw kmrn gk penting bgt deh, cuma kerumah oma trs diem2 aja heheh, tp lumayan sih, gue kemaren reunian sm temen sd gua aaaa kangen abis, trs sm kerumah anggit, tapi hari ini gue br pulang dan gw sakit asshole bgt
ini temen2 sd guaa ahaah tp cuma ceweknya doang, abs cowoknya kabur2 gktau kmn, dari kiri itu ica, nanda, anggit, gua, ayu sm angel heheueheu kangen abis jaman sd main sm merek trss
kalo ini anggit, heueheu temen gue paling baik dr tk haha, sd gue selalu sm dia, kemaren gue kerumah dia trs main2 sampe malem, katanya sih dia mau main kerumah gue heuhu semoga jadi deh ;')
trs pulang2nya gue sakit huhu, flu panas biasa tp yaa gara2 gue dulu kecil ada sakit apa gt, jadi walau cuma flu+panas doang bs jd ribet, karna badan gw ngilu abis huhu, liburan msh sampe senen, smoga bsk bs gereja hehe, trs senen mau ktm jablay2 kuwh ahh ahaha, kangen bgt.
oiaa pada liat lirik dibawah deh heueheu gue tau itu lagu rada basi, tp itu cocok bgt lohhhh buat dua org itu, haha eh salah 3 eh apa brp deh secara kan disitu tulisannya ''ur whole crew'' means gue kesel sm yg lain jg huhu, gatau deh kpn bakaln membaik wkwkwkw, lagian gw jg mls mikirin mereka noh, mending seneng2 sm temen2 gue hihi
sorry2 ya ngtiknya singkat2 soalnya ngelap ingus mulu ahah-_-sumpah pilek nyiksa huhu, td lg skyping sm felice eh dianya mandi gk balik2 ngashaahajah di msn jg diem2 aja, gk ada greet2an tau deh kenapa, oke ah tdr dulu ya blog walkers td udh minum obat pantesan skg ngantuk berat huhu cu ;)
muchoss oxoxo, beccao
The Owner of The Time Machine
Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor
So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Do you get
Do you get a little kick of being slow minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval your after
Well that's not how you find it
Do you
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful?
Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
Your losing control of it and it's really distasteful
Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor
hello2 sebelumnya kalo pada males baca gue ingetin dr sekarang mendingan gk usah lanjut baca, soalnya ini posting yang bener2 gak penting dan nyampah hueheuehu, gue cuma mau curhat aja sih..
Berbahagia deh lo yg masih ada ortu lengkap, gk cerai atau gk mati salah satunya. Berbahagia lo yg nyokapnya dirumah aja nemenin elo. Berbahagia lo semua yg punya adek atau kakak, yahhh eventho mereka nyebelin, lo bakalan lebih sebel lagi ngerasain gimana jadi anak tunggal...
Setiap liburan, gue gak pernah liburan, nyokap selalu sibuuuuukkkk sama kerjaan. Terbang kesini, kesitu kemana-mana yang gue gak bisa ikut. Ke jeddah, ke timika, ke kalimantan, pas gue lagi liburan. Pas gue sekolah ke perth, ke jepang, ke china, what the hell banget..otomatis gue selalu dirumah oma pas liburan, ga kemana-mana, kepanasan, kalo lokasinya oke sih mending, dulu priuk enak, sekarang???? HA-HA-HA enak bgt panasnya, nyamuknya...sementara gue main twitter trs semua temen gue cabs ke bali, ke bandung, ke sana, ke sini ke sana trs tulisannya "w/fam" haha lucu abis. gue gatau knp sebagian org sebel sm keluarganya, bilangnya mereka gak ini gak itu, mereka gatau rasanya gak punya keluarga......gatau rasanya gak bisa manggil "papa" "kakak" "adek", gatau rasanya gapernah hangout bareng even liburan bareng, gue mau banget plissss bisa liburan bareng, apalagi punya keluarga lengkap dan bisa jalan-jalan. Jangan lo bilang "asik dong anak tunggal, pasti dimanja di kasih semuanya" hahahahahahhaha absolutely not!!!!! Lo gatau rasanya sepi dirumah gk ada yg nemenin, pergi kemana mana sama nyokap, trs nyokap lo teleponan sama siapa gatau, lo nya diem aja gak ada yg ajak ngomong, lo punya masalah sama temen lo dan dirumah gak ada orang buat dengerin lo....... Okay gue punya voltreaks, tapi mereka kan juga punya hidup sendiri...........
muchoss xoxox, beccao
gua gak tau knp akhir2 ini jadi suka banget denger orang main piano, actually dari dulu sih kalo nyokap main orgen gue seneng banget, rasanya pengen bisa, tapi hell yeah kelemahan gue buat baca not, not apapun nghalangin gue. gue inget dulu wkt kls 3 sd gue les private organ sm om repi. dia ngajarin gue basic2nya, dan dia main keren bgt, gue bnr2 mau bljr wkt itu, tapi sayangnya pas bulan ke3, gue nangis2 krn dia bentak2 gue pas bljr not balok. akhirnya gue gk mau les lagi, then membiarkan diri gua pasrah aja cuma bisa liatin org main piano or organ or keybord or any black-white tuts instrument
sampe pas smp gue kenal temen gue felice dia main ballade pour adelain, expertly ahhh seneng bgt dengernya, gue ngerasa kebawa kemanaaaa gitu kalo denger org main piano, siapapun yg main. trs ada tio, dia anak baru pas gue kelas 8 bisa main violin and piano expertly juga uhuhuhuhuh, kmrn dia latian kebaktian main sonata 1, fur elise aaaa kerennnnn, trs felice juga mau konser piano november, lagunya colouer tendresse, stiap gue kerumahnya gue pasti suruh dia latihan soalnya mau denger hahaha (maksa)
trs gue juga punya temen namanya ben atta, dia main piano kea org gila huhu, waktu itu pas kapan liat videonya main piano uhhuhuhu mau banget bisa pianooo, trs pas otp juga dia main piano, tapi cuma sekali, alasan: kalo main piano malem2 itu ganggu tetangga. what the hell he is, org goblok mana marahin orang yg main piano teratur, kalo cuma tang ting tung nah beda.
huhu pokoknya TuhanYesusKristusssssssss mau dong bisa main pianoo, mau dong boleh ya ya ya Dadddd?
muchoss love, beccao
hey all, what r ya doin? i just bored here, dont know what to doooo ahhhhh tai, hmm eh but i have so much things to tell you, and nowww i wanna tell you about my telephone-marathon aja ya wakakak i know, the name is really weird, its created by me and i just ngasal hehe, i had telephone-marathon until 4 am on thursday. kuping panassssssssssssssssss huhu, i recieved call from ben atta on 12 then we talk so many things until it ended with he's anger, hu well it was really annoying but i tried to be dont care hahahau i am sorreeeeeh bencin, then he texted me if theres no cash anymore on his eisyaw, okay so i decided to signed in my msn on my computerrrr, he nudged me then we tried to did video call, but yeah all you guys know that msn is so anjing, everytime everwhere ~_~ jadi gk nyambung2 deh, endeddddd mulu huhu, trs tiba2 hape gue bunyi, there's carlo, gua pikir tumben amat nelpon gua jam 2 malem lg, ternyata he just wanna ask me about our reunion, with the others of my elementary friends, maunya hari sabtu di gading tapi nyokz gua didnt give the permission huhuhu she said that sabtu is malem takbiran, jadi siangnya bakalan rame blabla i tried to explain it to carlo dan kayaknya dia ngerti secara rumah gue jauh juga, trs akhirnya kita ngomongin mr. wilson, my new native's teacher, dia emang awalnya ngajar di jubille, sekolahnya carlo sekarang, before he moved to skk3, he is really handsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you know, and young, and kind, and tall, and religious, and breakdancer, and aaaaaaaaa theres so much good things in him that i cant describe huhu (lebay) i felt so sleepy so i ended it on 3, i turned off my computer then go straight to my bed, then tiba2 bella nelepon, it was sahur timeeeeeeeee for her, but she did it on 4, so from 3 until 4 i did chitchat with her, talk so many things, especially about her ex yang ulang tahun hari ini, haha i know bella is just obsessed to get back, she just cant let him go then being so closed with the other boy because of it :( yeahhhh i know my posting is really300x not important to read haha, im sorry of it, pals huhu
muchoss love, beccao
hey bloggie, how r u? long time no see hauahau, i am sorry if i took my blogging-break too long hehe, and from now on my blog is active again, so let's begin our journey in my 9th year of school ;)